Erik picked
up his little
pace again

after the treatment at
Chiropractie Van der Laan

Chiropractic care
for expecting mothers

During and shortly after pregnancy there is a chance of pelvic problems. Symptoms are stabbing pain in the pubic area and a deep irritating pain in the lower back and pelvic. Furthermore, you can experience a radiating pain down the legs or numbness in the legs and feet. Chiropractic care can offer treatment to these conditions, where it considers the stage of pregnancy during both examination and treatment. The treatment table can be adjusted to fit the belly and a specially designed cushion can offer further support if needed. The treatment is tailored to your specific preferences and situation, to allow treatment right to the day of delivery. Also for symptoms that stay, appear or increase in the period after delivery, chiropractic care can offer relief and treatment. Research has shown that chiropractic care during pregnancy offers safe and effective treatment of pelvic related conditions.

Chiropractic care
for kids

From the moment of birth, the child’s body is exposed to a variety of forces. In the years that follow kids are learn by trial and error. A fall from a trampoline or a tackle while playing soccer can cause pain in the back or neck. Furthermore, children spend more and more time on smartphones and tablets. The bad posture associated with this combined with lack of mobility might cause a variety of symptoms. Early, preventive treatment can relief symptoms in later age, or prevent conditions from emerging altogether. In short; kids of all ages can benefit from chiropractic care.